The "Traffic" Objective in Facebook Ads: Who It Suits and How It Works

The "Traffic" objective is one of the most commonly used in Facebook and Instagram advertising. Therefore, it's essential to understand when it's best to use it to avoid wasting your advertising budget.
The "Traffic" Objective in Facebook Ads: Who It Suits and How It Works
The "Traffic" objective is one of the most commonly used in Facebook and Instagram advertising. Therefore, it's essential to understand when it's best to use it to avoid wasting your advertising budget.
When setting up ads optimized for clicks, we attract an audience that is highly likely to interact with the ad. This segment is often referred to as "clickers." When configuring ads with this strategy in Facebook Ads, it's crucial to understand that a click does not guarantee further progression of the user through the funnel.

The "Traffic" objective is one of the most commonly used in Facebook and Instagram advertising. Therefore, it's essential to understand when it's best to use it to avoid wasting your advertising budget.
Primarily to any landing page. In addition to a landing page or a full-fledged website, we can also direct traffic to a Telegram channel or an Instagram profile.

In essence, the "Traffic" objective is more commonly used in cases where we don't have a website with a pixel installed and conversion tracking set up.

Mobile App
Sending traffic to a mobile app doesn't make much sense unless the app has Facebook SDK or some mobile analytics service installed. In practice, such cases have been encountered, and optimization was solely based on clicks.

Messaging Apps
You can direct traffic to Instagram Direct, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp. However, it's better to use the "Lead" or "Engagement" objectives for this purpose.

Perhaps the only scenario where I set up advertising with the "Traffic" objective is for phone call leads. Over the last six months, there have been a couple of successful cases where targeting was done for the 30+ audience with optimization for calls, and it performed better than lead forms, conversions, or direct messages.
Increase in Link Clicks
The system will strive to attract the maximum number of clicks within the specified budget. However, many inexpensive clicks do not necessarily translate to many leads and sales. For example, if the goal is to attract a large number of subscribers to a Telegram channel, we focus on reducing the cost per click.

Increase in Page Views
This optimization differs from the previous one only in that targeting will be done for people who, after clicking, also open the website in the internal browser of Facebook or Instagram. This strategy requires an installed Pixel. I don't see the point in setting up for page views because with a Pixel in place, it's better to direct the audience with conversion optimization.
For projects that don't have a website or require driving traffic to third-party services. Such services include Telegram channels, marketplaces, and Instagram profiles.

Periodically, on some projects, we use the "Traffic" objective to increase sales on Uzum marketplaces. In 2020-2021, we actively directed traffic to Wildberries or Ozon in Russia from Facebook/Instagram.

Advertising campaigns worked well for attracting subscribers to bloggers' Telegram channels or food delivery bots. In the spring of 2021, we successfully launched a bot for the Testo restaurant in Tashkent and attracted the first food orders.

Additionally, you can use the "Traffic" objective to launch media campaigns because the reach is cheaper in this strategy, and the audience is engaged.
For those who have a website and have set up FB Pixel with conversion tracking. It's better to work directly with users who are inclined to make conversions or any other actions beyond just clicking on the ads.

And for businesses that can benefit from lead generation through a form on Facebook or communication in messengers with potential customers.
It's all highly individual. In the CIS region, the average cost per click, for example, in the Fashion retail sector, ranged from 5 to 15 cents. In all other industries, the price varied depending on the business's specifics and the breadth of the target audience. With a minimum cost of 5 cents per click and a maximum of up to 40 cents.
Narrowing Down Targeting
While I usually work with broad audiences in all other strategies, when it comes to the "Traffic" objective, I try to limit the audience and avoid including Advantage+ (reaching people who don't meet detailed targeting criteria when it's likely to improve performance).

Since the targeting is aimed at people who predominantly click on ads, working with broad segments can sometimes confuse the algorithm, leading to cheap clicks from non-relevant audiences.

Scheduled Ad Delivery
When optimizing for phone calls, always consider the working hours of the call center. There have been cases where campaigns were set up without time restrictions, resulting in calls during weekends or late at night. Naturally, if you don't respond promptly, potential clients will be lost.

Traffic to Instagram Profile
If you're setting up ads to gain Instagram followers, it's better to launch them directly from the app rather than through Ads Manager.

It may sound strange, but the difference in click costs and ad campaign effectiveness is evident. When we launched ads directly from Instagram, clicks were 2-3 times cheaper, and the conversion to followers averaged 20-40%.

Don't take my word for it; try it for yourself and see the difference.

Carousel Gallery, Video Ads
CTR (click-through rate, the percentage of clicks compared to impressions) for carousel galleries and videos (live or motion animations) is much higher than for static images. When working with traffic, it's crucial to refine your ads and constantly test combinations of creatives, text, and call-to-action. The effectiveness of the entire ad campaign can sometimes depend on the button's label.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for "Traffic" Campaigns
CPC – cost per click on the link, the primary KPI
CTR – click-through rate, the ratio of clicks to impressions, indicating the quality and attractiveness of the ad itself.
Every advertising campaign should bring measurable results. In the case of the "Traffic" goal, this is usually more difficult to do. But with a competent approach, strict analysis of business indicators (for example, sales in Telegram-bot) or applications in Google-form, it is possible to squeeze good results without a website thanks to this strategy.