How Facebook Ads Targeting Rescued an Educational Event

This is a prime example of how lead generation through Facebook Ads brought clients to an educational consulting service.
How Facebook Ads Targeting Rescued an Educational Event
This is a prime example of how lead generation through Facebook Ads brought clients to an educational consulting service.
Client Profile:
CIS Education Group is a consulting firm that assists students in pursuing education abroad.

The agency operates in various CIS countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and more.

The advertising campaign was targeted specifically within the territory of Kazakhstan.

Our primary goal was to enhance the Social Media Marketing (SMM) presence of the agency's Instagram account. Through an audit, we identified several issues:

  • The content was not engaging the audience.
  • The design of the posts lacked thoughtful consideration.
  • The text content was overly sales-oriented.

We decided to revamp the style and content of the posts. In our new content strategy, we emphasized grants and university programs. We nurtured the existing audience with valuable posts while attracting a new audience through viral content.
Unexpected Challenge:
We initiated a Facebook Ads campaign with the sole purpose of gathering attendees for an upcoming seminar on studying abroad in Turkey. The seminar was scheduled for mid-August, immediately following the announcement of state exam results.

This meant that a significant portion of the target audience could potentially be students who did not secure placements in local universities.
The challenge lay in the fact that we were allocated a small advertising budget - only $40 per week.
What's challenging about small budgets?
  • They can easily be exhausted.
  • Carefully thought-out content is essential.
  • Variations in images and text are limited.
  • There's intense competition for leads.
What did we decide to do?
We decided to launch a lead generation targeted campaign under the following conditions:

- Multiple ad groups.
- Texts and images in both Kazakh and Russian languages.
- A daily budget of an astonishing $5.

The age range of the audience was relatively narrow, spanning from 18 to 20 years old (Meta* does not allow targeting individuals younger than 18).

We set interests related to the English language, Turkish culture, university life, as well as travelers and graduates in the "behavior" and "life events" categories.
Targeting, texts, seminars.
Since the budget was strictly limited, we decided to compensate with well-thought-out visuals and copywriting. We aimed to hit the nail on the head by emphasizing the customer's pain points in the first sentence.

Our headlines, "Dreaming of studying in Europe and by the seaside?" and "Didn't get into local universities?" immediately caught the attention of disappointed students who didn't find themselves on the accepted list.

In the subsequent text, we made enticing offers:

- Inviting them to a personal meeting with other students in a similar situation.
- Highlighting the advantages of Turkish universities.
- Offering grants and discounts.

Through our text, we aimed to convey the benefits for prospective students and show the audience that Kazakhstani universities were not the ultimate dream.

We were honest here — an increasing number of students from CIS countries are choosing foreign universities.
And did it work?
Despite the tight budget, we managed to gather 92 inquiries in just 6 days of advertising!

According to the organizers, approximately 60 people attended the seminar, and all of them came through the Instagram advertising campaign.

Several prospective students at the seminar showed keen interest in the agency's services and signed up for personal consultations. Eight of them began the program to apply for Turkish universities.

As a result, the advertising budget was fully recovered.
Thanks to high-quality content, we improved the performance of the agency's SMM team on their Instagram account. Engagement and audience reach increased significantly.

With well-targeted ads, we boosted a consistent flow of inquiries for offline consultations and events related to educational programs.

The agency was pleased with our work, and we continued our collaboration in the CIS region.