Facebook Ads Lead Objective: Considerations for Choosing It

The most popular and costly objective among the six offered in Ads Manager, the Lead objective, can either bring in generous clients or inundate managers with inquiries about its high cost.
Facebook Ads Lead Objective: Considerations for Choosing It
The most popular and costly objective among the six offered in Ads Manager, the Lead objective, can either bring in generous clients or inundate managers with inquiries about its high cost.
The working principle of the "Lead" option is to generate inquiries from the website, instant forms, or Meta's lead forms. Additionally, we can generate inquiries through Messenger, WhatsApp, and calls.

1. The most popular option is lead generation from the website. The most common application method involves directing traffic to a landing page with a pre-placed inquiry collection form, lead magnet, quiz, and so on.

On this page, you can configure Facebook Pixel (more on that below) for analytics collection to track conversions. From the Pixel data source, you can launch ads on the website to generate inquiries.

2. Through the mobile application, the working principle is the same as with the website, focusing on events like downloads and in-app purchases.

3. Generating leads through messaging apps, such as Messenger or Direct. In other words, we can collect incoming messages in these chats from ad responses and integrate a bot to create an automated funnel. This is an underrated option that significantly streamlines lead funnel management.

4. And the most popular option is instant lead forms. We can create such a form within Facebook Ads itself and generate leads through it.

There are only two optimization options here:
* Increasing the number of conversions.
* Increasing the number of leads.
The Lead objective is suitable for everyone in need of either cold or warm leads, meaning those who have already expressed an interest in purchasing products or services. Leads typically provide contact information, such as messenger profiles, email addresses, or phone numbers.

As a result, the "Lead" option is a favorite for use in sales departments or call centers in almost every industry, except for e-commerce. However, there's a catch: the quicker leads are processed, the more likely they are to convert into sales. Time is of the essence here, so a responsive sales department is the most crucial link in the chain.
В первую очередь, e-commerce. Особенно, если бюджеты там невысокие. Также отметаются все кампании с целью работы на узнаваемость бренда.
The budget can vary significantly, depending largely on the industry. Leads can cost anywhere from $0.50 to $15, especially in B2B campaigns.
If you are launching lead generation using Facebook's built-in forms, it's essential to put some thought into these forms. Avoid using automatic responses and autofill fields—create questions manually. These questions should be somewhat complex, making people pause and think, rather than making it feel like they are playing a "What? Where? When?" game. It should be more like creating a captcha to protect against spam bots.

Why do this? It's all about protecting against non-targeted leads. Sometimes people mindlessly fill out online forms and then waste valuable time for call center managers before ultimately rejecting the offer.

Facebook Pixel and What It Is

Facebook Pixel is a script that can be embedded on your website to help gather user data and correlate it with Facebook/Instagram profiles. It operates on the principle of a site map and is easy to install—simply insert the code in your website's admin panel, and you're ready to work with it. In Pixel, you can configure events that this script should track, such as what users view most often, what percentage of traffic abandons the "checkout" button, and so on. Properly setting up Pixel is crucial for conversion effectiveness and audience insights.

Warm vs. Cold Audiences

If you are driving traffic through the "Lead" option in Direct or Messenger, be prepared for people not to immediately jump at the opportunity to buy your products. You'll need to convince them from the first lines that they need your product or service, and life wouldn't be the same without it. In other words, emphasize pain points in your text to obtain valuable contacts for your managers. The cost per conversion on a cold audience can be high, and you can optimize it through image and call-to-action text testing.

Key Performance Indicator

The key indicators of effectiveness are the cost per lead and the percentage of leads converted into customers. Targeting specialists are responsible for the former, while the sales department handles the latter. If you haven't perfected your sales process, you can assist with an automated funnel, a landing page from Tilda, or a Direct bot.
The "Lead" objective can yield both a significant number of qualified and unqualified inquiries. This places the primary responsibility on the shoulders of the targeting specialist, who must focus on lead quality and maintain communication with them. It's essential to assess how "informed" the leads are from each advertisement and track the conversion from lead to customer, where the sales department can step in to assist.

Changing creatives and monitoring the cost per inquiry is also crucial. These steps can significantly reduce campaign costs.