Brand Awareness Goal in Facebook Ads: Principles and Effective Setup.

How Reach Campaigns Work on Facebook and Instagram, Suitable Businesses, and Best Practices for Setting Them Up.
Brand Awareness Goal in Facebook Ads: Principles and Effective Setup.
How Reach Campaigns Work on Facebook and Instagram, Suitable Businesses, and Best Practices for Setting Them Up.
Novice traffic specialists often make mistakes when selecting objectives for their advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads. First and foremost, it's essential to understand what we aim to achieve with our campaign targeting and then grasp the principles governing the Meta advertising platform.

Within Ads Manager, there are 6 objectives:

1. Brand Awareness
2. Traffic
3. Engagement
4. Leads
5. App Promotion
6. Sales

Depending on the chosen objective, the Meta AI will determine whom to show the advertisements to.

With this article, I am commencing a series of materials dedicated to setting up targeted Facebook Ads campaigns. The first topic is the "Brand Awareness" (or BA) advertising objective and how to work with it.
The goal of brand awareness has several types of optimization:
Achieving Maximum Reach

Meta will display our advertisements to the maximum number of people within the specified budget. Reach will be maximized at a low cost, but the performance in terms of clicks, conversions, and engagement will be minimal. This optimization is also used in retargeting campaigns.

Increasing the Number of Impressions

In contrast to the first type of optimization, here we specify the frequency of impressions per user. For example, within a week, one person should receive up to 5 impressions. This optimization is primarily used by FMCG brands.

Enhancing Ad Recall

Meta will show advertisements to those who are likely to remember your ads after 2 days. This determination is made through user surveys and historical platform data. I haven't tested this objective in the past 2 years, and it's more suitable for FMCG brands as well.

Maximizing ThruPlay Views

Optimizing for those who watch a 15-second video to completion or for a significant portion of its length (if the video is longer). Suitable for brand advertising. Additionally, in Facebook Ads, you can set up retargeting for those who interacted with your videos.

Increasing 2-Second Continuous Video Views

Meta will display ads to those who watch a video for at least 2 seconds. I have never used this optimization. It's better to choose the previous option.
For anyone running brand advertising, FMCG, major beauty brands, and retailers of various kinds often produce TV commercials. They can confidently launch these ads in the digital space to engage with consumers omnichannel.

When I worked in the FinTech sector, before launching a major app installation campaign, we initiated brand awareness-focused media activations. We employed video production, static images, and motion animation. This allowed us to reach a broad audience, interacting with them both in outdoor advertising and on TV.
For those with a limited budget and businesses that require direct lead generation on social networks or online store sales, it's essential to avoid launching campaigns with the Brand Awareness objective by mistake, as it can deplete the budget without delivering measurable results.
In the CIS countries where Facebook Ads is available, the daily budget can range from $30 to $100. The average cost per user (for ad recall or viewing the entire video) can fall within the range of $0.004 to $0.01. In this case, the primary focus is on the business's KPIs. If we need to increase ad awareness among 500,000 people, we allocate between $2,000 to $5,000 per month.

It's all individual and depends on specific circumstances.
1. Select the "Brand Awareness" objective.
2. Set the budget at the ad group level.
3. Choose the optimization option.
4. Configure the audience.
5. Select placements.
6. Create the advertisement.

I will provide a step-by-step guide for creating advertising campaigns in subsequent materials.
Set the budget only at the ad group level.

A campaign-level budget is simply not necessary here. We primarily work with broad audiences and micro-conversions, and allocating the budget to different audiences and placements won't yield significant results.

Avoid using dynamic creatives.

The recognition of your advertising and brand should revolve around one clear message; otherwise, it may cause audience distraction. As an alternative, you can run sequential creatives, rotating them every week or month.

Utilize video creatives.

Video clips are more memorable and attract more attention. This has been the primary and global trend in digital advertising for the past 4-5 years. Additionally, you can run retargeting campaigns to an audience who watched a specific video to completion.
I've encountered this strategy in my practice about 3-4 times. Nevertheless, understanding the working principles was essential. Considering that businesses using this objective predominantly spend significant amounts on digital advertising, like in all other strategies, it's crucial to set measurable KPIs before launching an advertising campaign.